Female Infertility Treatment

Female Infertility Treatment

Reassurance and Psychosexual Counselling

Female infertility treatment in thane can be done by the psychosexual counselling. This part of the fertility treatment must never be underestimated. Most couples are very stressed and anxious. They are very unhappy and need a lot of confidence building. A good rapport development is necessary. It is important that couples do not feel rushed during a consultation. They need time. Sometimes emotions will come and it’s probably best to let them out. Careful understanding of the underlying problem and the available options is very important for a successful outcome to any fertility treatment. Knowledge of their problem helps people to relax and is able to cope with it better.

Ovulation Induction

If there is an ovulation (difficulty in formation of eggs), this can be treated with the use of medications (tablets and hormone injections). Timed natural intercourse at the time of ovulation may result in a pregnancy.

Intrauterine Insemination(IUI)

This is insertion of the selected sperm from the male partner into the womb. This can be used with ovulation induction if natural methods do not bring success. If there is any obvious abnormality in the womb or the tube (detected by sonography), surgery may be needed to correct this. This is a simple form of treatment and has a limited success rate of 15 to 20%.

IN-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) – (Test tube baby)

If the tubes are damaged (generally by infection) and are not repairable, IVF may become necessary. In this method, the eggs are collected from the female partner by doing a minor procedure. These eggs are then mixed with the sperms. This leads to fertilization (fusion of the egg and the sperm) resulting in the early pregnancy called embryo. Of the available embryos, the good quality ones are chosen and inserted back into the womb (Embryo transfer). If the embryo is accepted by the lining of the womb, the treatment is successful.

ICSI (injecting the sperm into the egg)

If the sperm is abnormal, the couple may need ICSI treatment. This is done in the laboratory wherein a sperm is injected into the egg. The fertilized eggs lead to embryos, which are then transferred into the womb. This sophisticated technique is only available in the most advanced centers.


If the female partner is unable to carry a pregnancy for physical or psychological reasons, the embryos are transferred into the uterus of another lady who is willing to carry the pregnancy for nine months and deliver. After birth, the biological parents are handed over the baby. In this process legal agreements are made and terms and conditions of the contract are laid down.

Treatment of infertility depends on the cause. Investigating both the partners is crucial. After taking a detailed history, performing a thorough examination and appropriate investigations the most suitable treatment option for the couple is chosen.

The treatment options include:


  • Psychosexual counselling
  • Ovulation induction
  • IUI
  • IVF
  • ICSI
  • Advanced treatment

We had many couples with female infertility treatment in thane at Jijai and with high success rate of getting conceive.

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